October 6, 2013
Learning Log
Today is teaching test of my friend. All friends that teachings today have 12 friends. My friend from group 2 have 8 people and from group 3 have 4 people. The people that don’t pass in the first teaching test; they can amend in today too.
Today, my friends spend less time than yesterday. Topics that they choose for test are the same but approaches are different. For example topic, direction, food, occupation and tradition. They use interesting instruction media are different. For example media, word cards, picture book, video, real material. Some people lessons are good but teachings are not good because they still read from power point and they must adjust their grammar. Today have many people are read from power point.
Overview of today are good but many people have foible are different. Some people teaching are not bad but their lessons are not good because activity and rubric are not conforming. Some people lessons are good but teachings are not good because they still read from power point and they must adjust their grammar.
I can learn about teaching techniques from my friend.I can guess about which teaching techniques is good or which teaching techniques is not good.I can use this example teaching techniques for improvement my teaching techniques to perfect.